
Rellenar huecos


Lots of children in the UK go on school trips. They sometimes go to outdoor centres.

Choose these words to complete the texts.

Picture A  -  woods  -  rucksacks  -  read  -  outdoor

AI'm Lorna

I'm at an centre for five days with my class. Today we're hiking in the . We've got . We`re learning how to a map.

Picture B  -  yellow  -  wall  -  class  -  climbing

I'm Charlie

I'm on a school trip with my . We're at an outdoor centre for four days. Look, I'm on the climbing . I'm wearing a helmet.

Picture C  -  canoeing  -  fantastic  -  lake  -  helping

I'm Sophie

I'm on a school trip for three days at an outdoor centre. Today we're canoeing on the . The instructor is me. I like ! It's !

Picture D  -  fire  -  eating  -  cook  -  sausages

I'm Billy

This week I'm an outdoor centre with my class. We're learning to on a . This evening we're

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