
Rellenar huecos


This sports are popular with children in the UK.

Choose these words to complete the texts.

Picture A I'm Noah

Picture A  - sunny -  catch -  fishing -  river

I go in the with my brother and my grandad. Today it's and hot, but we go fishing when it's raining and cold, too. I want to a big fish.

Picture BI'm Jacob

Picture B  -  train  -  green  -  team  -  playing

I love football. I'm in a football and we three times a week. We play matches every Saturday. Our strip is blue and .

Picture CI'm Mia

Picture C  -  park  -  favourite  -  love  -  summer

My sport is cricket. In the we play cricket at school twice a week. I also play in the with my brothers. They cricket, too.

Picture DI'm Lily

Picture D  -  school  -  swimming  -  race  -  after

I'm in a club. We train on Mondays before and on Wednesdays school. Today I'm swimming in a

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