
Cuestionario SCORM



John: Hi, Mary! What are you looking for?
Mary: I’m looking for a treasure.
John: Really? Is there a treasure here, in the park?
Mary: It’s not really a treasure. It’s a cache. The game is called Geocaching. I am looking for a black plastic box.
John: What is it like? And what’s inside the cache?
Mary: In this case it’s a small box. There are many little things inside. People hide little plastic presents that you can exchange for other presents when you find the box. You must also sign a little book inside the box. It’s called the logbook.
John: What do you need to play Geocaching?
Mary: You need a modern mobile phone or a GPS receiver to find the treasure.
John: Can children play the game?
Mary: Of course. Everybody can play the game.
John: Why do you enjoy Geocaching so much?
Mary: Because it’s easy, very addictive, you meet lots of new people and see lots of new places.
John: Thanks, Mary. Can I help you find this cache?
Mary: Of course. Look! Here it is!
John: What’s inside! Let me see! Look, there’s a logbook, a little red car, a black pen and some football cards.

1. How many people are talking in the text?


A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four


2. Mary is playing geocaching in the ...


A. cache

B. treasure

C. park

D. game


3. The cache Mary is looking for is a ...


A. black plastic box

B. blue plastic box

C. black metal box

D. black glass box


4. What do people put inside the caches?


A. A logbook

B. Many big things

C. A box, many little presents and a book.

D. Many little plastic things and a small book.


5. What do you need to play Geocaching?


A. A treasure

B. A mobile phone

C. A modern mobile phone or a GPS receiver

D. A modern mobile phone and a GPS receiver


6. Can older people play the game?


A. No, only children

B. Yes, only older people can play the game

C. Yes, it’s a game for all

D. No, it isn’t easy. It’s only for experts


7. Why does Mary like doing Geocaching?


A. Because you can’t stop playing

B. Because it’s easy

C. Because you discover new places and meet new people

D. Because it’s cheap


8. What was inside the cache they found?


A. A logbook, a big red car, a black pen and some football cards

B. A logbook, a little red car, a black pen and some football cards

C. A notebook, a little red car, a black pen and some football cards

D. A notebook, a small red car, a black pen and some basketball cards

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